Cancellation Policy

The following forms part of our Booking Policy and MUST be read together.


10.1 Once your deposit has been paid and we have confirmed your booking you are liable for the whole cost of the holiday as a binding contract. If you wish to cancel you must notify us in writing, preferably by email, you must receive confirmation of receipt of your cancellation notice from us. You will have to pay a cancellation charge based on the number of days before arrival at the property that we receive your notice as shown in the table below. This means that if you have paid the balance of your total holiday cost and then have to or want to cancel you may receive a refund of part of that cost. However if you have not paid your total booking cost, including any booking fee, you may have to make further payment to cover the cancellation charge. For the purposes of the table below total cost means the total cost of the accommodation booking including any extra items. The cancellation charges have been calculated as a genuine pre-estimate of losses we would incur in the event you cancelled your holiday within the stipulated time period. We will not refund booking fees, administration fees and credit card charges and any refund will be net of the same.

No. of days before the start of your trip Cancellation charge

More than 70 days Full deposit

57-70 days 50% of total cost

43-56 days 60% of total cost

29-42 days 75% of total cost

8-28 days 90% of total cost

7 days or less 95% of total cost

10.2 In the circumstances we strongly recommend that you arrange full travel insurance to include cancellation cover.